High School

Iowa's building trades unions sponsor

comprehensive apprenticeship readiness programs (ARPs) throughout Iowa

These programs provide a gateway for local residents – focusing on women, people of color, and youth – to gain access to building trades’ registered apprenticeship programs. ARPs are administered by state and local Building Trades Councils and they teach NABTU’s nationally recognized MC3 curriculum, which is a standardized, comprehensive, 120-hour construction course designed to help young people and transitioning adults choose and succed in apprenticeship programs. The MC3 curriculum is taught face-to-face, but it is delivered via NABTU’s online learning management system. Our program offers:

IBEW 347
Introduce • Connect • Engage

Bringing Construction Trades Classes Back to the Schools

Certified by a number of State Education Departments, the MC3 is bringing true construction education back into high schools. The building trades know the importance of introducing, connecting and engaging young people early to harness a lifetime dedication to our trades.
